Evangeline & Banner represent the NEXT generation of WCGang!
Both young, both adventurous, they LOVE romping, wrestling,
and flying up the hall in 'full tilt' races!
Life is exciting, always a new adventure,
with LOTS of tongue-lolling smiles on their furry faces!

11-29-14 --
Getting the tree & decorations out...
have just WAY too much help here! LOL
Vangie is jumping DOWN....
and Banner is 'bout to leap UP!!
yep, LOTS 'N LOTS of help here! LOL
11-23-14 --
Auntie Connie arrives for Thanksgiving.....
and gets the FULL Welcome Wagon greeting.....
Scottie style!!
11-17-14 --
Vangie is headed up into my lap.....
Banner is ready to RUMBLE.....
giving Vange his "Elvis LIP" !!! LOL
11-13-14 --
Vangie sits atop her fav 'glider footstool'...
Banner watches in awe as Vangie glides left, then right.....
Vangie's expression says it all.... "BETCHA can't do THIS!"
The PUPPY/BABY phase......
10-3-14 --Banner's primary goal in life upon his arrival.....
PLAYTIME... ANYTHING that allowed him to use those TEETH!
Vangie was NOT concerned... her attitude was "THAT all ya GOT??"
10-16-14 --Vangie's "HIGH GROUND",
that SAFE zone, away from the BUZZ SAW's lethal puppy teeth!
Banner sees this as the ULTIMATE goal....
Banner: "SOMEDAY.... I WILL scale this mountain! I WILL!"
10-17-14 --Banner masters the 'Legendary Blue Footstool'.....
The world will soon open UP to him,
ONE step at a time....
FOR NOW, it allows him to reach "HER BEARD"... AGAIN!
10-19-14 --Banner now uses the 'Legendary Blue Footstool'
to hop up into the 'Group Recliner'!
Once entirely VANGIE's domain, she now shares.....
ONLY letting down her guard because MAM 'has her back' !!
10-20-14 --Walks are frequent and NEVER dull...
Banner sees EVERYTHING as new and exciting....
Vangie is ready for him to grow enough
to break into her preferred 'POWER WALKS'!!
10-20-14 --
Vangie is VERY patient with the Buzz Saw....
and Banner sees her as the "ULTIMATE COOL SCOT"!!
Anything SHE does is GOLDEN in his book!
Vangie learned, as a youngster,
to leap up onto the GLIDER footstool......
She never had a problem with its 'glide motion'...
and would ride it to a stop with her superb 'sea legs'!
She demonstrates for Banner....
who watches IN AWE!!!
Vangie, the Mentor, watches her protege....
Banner explores on his own,
and finds out for himself that the GLIDER actually GLIDES!
Hmmmmmmmmmm...... ANOTHER GOAL!
Remember Banner's goal??
Vangie had leaped onto the couch to escape his lethal teeth....
While rooting, rolling, 'n snorting,
she kicked the pillow off the couch....
It fell into the bed.....
and Banner IMMEDIATELY saw it as a LADDER to his GOAL!
NOT QUITE YET, though.....
he stepped off the side of the pillow and lost his leverage.....
SOON, Grasshopper.... SOON!!
Walks, hourly, as we train the lad...
Vangie, ever the Mentor, teaches the lad....
how to sniff out bugs, how to pluck morsels of grass, how to dig holes...
so much to learn!!
And, ALWAYS, the teeth.....
wonder where BUZZ SAW earned his nickname??
Vangie & Banner's favorite activity.....
wrestling, lots and lots of mouth wrestling,
which always results in chases and races up the hall!!
They're having a GRAND time together!
LOTS of Tug playtime...
ONE of them will take a woobie and SHAKE it
right in front of the other one.....
ALWAYS ends up with a rousing TUG of WAR!
This time, Lambchop was the Tug Toy du Jour!!
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Different Drummer