Everyone has a 'baby book'...except Katie & Riley.
So it was time to round up those sweet photos that record the
special WCGang puppy moments and put them into our web album!
Now...if they'd just stand still so I could get that "lock of fur"!
Katie Wild Child's first photos at 8 weeks...
she had already begun her obsession with balls,
and was working on mastering the "look"!
Riley's first photos show the first glimpses of the
distinguished Scottish gentleman he'll become...
and that honest, penetrating gaze of his.
Ahhhhh, that stage that EVERY young scottish
lad and lass goes through...when the EARS come UP!!!
Katie(L) and Riley(R)look more like bunnies than scotties!
Riley(L), playing with the Wiggly Giggly ball. I LOVE that white mark on his tail!
Katie(R)had soon MASTERED that look of quiet disdain...and DOES it so well!
Katie has ALWAYS preferred the "belly UP" position when sleeping!
My wee hussy began this habit as a puppy!
Okay, now let's discuss Katie's more UNUSUAL choices for naptime!!
Katie and Riley's first photo together as the WCGang!
Riley's(R) first night was filled with playing, frapping, and noisy fun!
Riley made himself right at home, taking possession of Katie's toys....
and he quickly grew into a formidable tug-fest opponent!
They ADORE playing "King/Queen of the Bed".
This VERY noisy pastime LOOKS fierce,
and is ALWAYS followed by wild, joyous frapping!
Katie always searched for HIGH GROUND
when Riley's "puppy shark teeth" became lethal
and threatened to turn her into a furry pincusion!!
THEN came the day....
when Riley MASTERED Katie's LAST safety outpost...
You can TELL by the WC's expression....
it's a BAD DAY on the BAYOU!! LOL
FUN times....
Happy furkids...
Ahhh, the WCGang's puppy years...
how wonderful it is to share their life's adventure with them!
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Webmaster: Katie & Riley's Mam

Background by:
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
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