March 12, 2014

LOOK what was delivered to MY door today!!!
MMMMMMMM.... KNOW I'll slice into it before SUPPER!! LOL

life's too short!
Digging INTO this sweet confection... NOW!

Bare Beginnings of Impending SPRING!

March 1, 2014

SPRING ! Just around the corner!
Temperatures in the 70's today.....

The FIRST signs of Spring!
Not just one limb, or one lone, confused tree....
Itty bitty leaves, buds, 'bout to BURST into SPRING!

Even the Bradford pears are getting into the swing.....
it's COMING.......... !!!

June 7, 2011 -

2 bowls of SALSA!
Left bowl, brown base, served WARM.... has a 'refried beans' sort of taste... hotter, usually a KICK!
Right bowl, red base, spicy, 'brighter' flaver, also with a kick!
NEVER can decide WHICH..... so I eat BOTH! LOL

Chicken enchilada... smothered in marinated veggies... with a SIDE of saute'd veggies!

Spring = OAK BLOOM Season!
April 6, 2010 -

Riley HATES ..... HATES these!!
We're surrounded by gorgeous oak trees......
but every Spring, Riley just goes NUTS!
He HAS VERY LUSH FURNISHINGS....spectacularly long beard and skirt....
and HATES having 'debris' in his furnishings! He'll stop and STAND
stiff-legged until I frisk him and relieve his royalness of the offending debris!!!

Riley, the HUNK, is fully aware of the fact that
there IS a downside to having lush,
thick, gorgeous furnishings...
velcro OAK BLOOMS!!!

FABLED "Pink Fuzzy BOOTS"!
January 7, 2010 -

THE "pink fuzzy boots" !

And.....as always, there's an ORB in the frame somewhere...
along with the ORB girl, herself!
And, WHAT was she doing? Barking at a NOISE...
JUST BEFORE she made a flying LEAP at her ORB!

ANDDDDDDDDDDDD, their softer, more RETIRING cousins....
the "pink fuzzy BEDROOM slippers"!!!

October 27, 2009 -

PERFECT for naptimes, to put in a smaller space!
NOT stiff, solid foam, but soft 'woobie' type bed...
NIGHT time sleeping is in MY....errrrr, "OUR" bed...
But THESE are in living room, for a cozy place to sleep when MOM & sister come!
For the price?? GREAT buy!! K&R heartily endorse 'em!!!
Riley's a big boy and he LOVES the 'curl up cuddle' of it!!

B,B,&B dog beds

NOWWWWWWW, there ARE times when a girl's naps just DEMAND to be 'airy'!!

After the Rain....
September 10, 2009 - New Orleans.

Everything is damp.... soaked and dripping.
This does NOT please Riley, who dislikes 'soppy paws'! hehe
Katie doesn't CARE.....she'd slog through a SWAMP!

This tree....a Ginkgo Biloba... is a LIVING FOSSIL...
planted in Sister's yard, by Dad.
I'd imagine there are few, if ANY, other Ginkgo trees in N.O.!

Dad planted a pair of ginkgo trees in his yard YEARS AND YEARS ago...
slowest growing trees in the WORLD....
but every fall, the most EXQUISITELY brilliant yellow leaves you'll EVER see!

My LEAF Collection, in high school Science class,
turned Dad's two Ginkgo trees into the HOTTEST trees in town!
All my friends wanted a Ginkgo leaf for THEIR leaf collections...
So I went to school with Ginkgo leaves...
Leaves no one had ever SEEN before! hehe


Ginkgo history

Thursday, December 11, 2008!!

Photo taken at 10:00 A.M. this morning in Connie's front yard,
as she arrived home from work!
New Orleans has no equipment to DEAL with snow,
as this is TOTALLY out of character for N.O.!!!!!!!

LSU's Mike the Tiger
Thursday, December 11, 2008!!

Same day, 70 miles up the road, in Baton Rouge...
LSU's Bengal/Siberian cross, Mike,
takes a DUSTING of snow in stride!

Beth Sheets' Front Yard
Thursday, December 11, 2008!!

Down in St. Amant, LA,
Beth's yard is a beautiful snowy landscape...

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