"Angels Across the Bridge" offers a resting place
for that final tribute to a special furry one.
The "Angel" pages provide a quiet place to meditate, to remember, to feel their closeness.
All fur angels are welcome here, for they were well-loved.
If you would like your wee angel added to the
BayouScotties Memorial Pages, please CONTACT me.
I would be happy to add them.
RB 9-2002 Eileen Velez

Heather RB-1982 Eileen Velez

Mac RB-1989 Eileen Velez

Tavy 6/03/88 RB 3/25/02 Tavy- my clown,protector,confidante,and
friend. I loved you with all my heart and still do.
Wait for Mommy at the bridge end. Till we meet again
dearheart have fun and try to be good. Jeanette

Kyrie of Campbell 1985-2000 Marti Brewer

Bonni 11/4/87 - 6/27/02 Jay and Elizabeth King

Angus 8/13/90 - 5/29/95 Jay and Elizabeth King

CH. MistyMoors Imminent Sunshine
7/11/95 - 6/10/02
"Our Friend & Constant Companion"
You are so loved and missed; though
our time was way to short, Thanks For The Memories. We Will Walk
Together Again! Love, Your Mom & Dad
Mike and Candi Serrano
Last Resort Ruff N' Tuff
"Tuffy" 2/18/03 - 03/10/07
"He was and always will be our silly little boy. So full of life and love and
taken way to quickly from us. Mom and Dad and Sister miss you and will
always remember "The Boy" as he was fondly known. We will bring your cookies
when we meet again at The Bridge."
Mom, Dad and Sister
He owned Mike and Candi Serrano and Grace AscolilloBuckles

Thurman 7/31/85 - 8/6/98 You are still by my side wherever I go. Sleep
well, my love, until we see each other again.
Carol North

 MacDuff RB October 18, 2002 Found in the shelter on December 26 ( my birthday) 1993... My pal, aka "Cookie Monster" and best birthday gift will forever be in my heart. I love ya man!
Susan Morse

Angus 1964-1976
George Wilson

Zachary 1976-1988
George Wilson

McDuff 1988-1997
George Wilson

Sissy RB July 4, 2000 The saddest day of my life Nancy Scouten

 Victoria's Striking it Rich "Striker" 10/28/99 - 10/2/02 You were one of a kind and taken all too soon, we miss you booboo.
Rebecca, Kelvin, and Polo

Seamus 12/23/89 - 10/6/98 Linda Wilson

Seana 12/23/92 - 10/6/99 Linda Wilson

Darby He was my heart dog and I miss him terribly Dawn

Cindy Nell McLeod 1980-1990 You were my first Scottie and taught me to love the breed. I haven't been without one since and won't until I no longer can take care of one. My little black girl who decided she was going to sleep on the bed even though I wasn't going to have it. Guess who won? All the Scotties since have enjoyed the privilege(for me. You were "my" dog and only tolerated others.I still think of you and miss you.
Billie Joiner

Angel Nell McDuff 1984-1994 You came into our lives at three months and let Taffy and Cindy know you were going to be the "boss" and that never changed. Even though many thought you were misnamed, including the groomer who called for us to come get you early as you were disturbing the other dogs, you were always my angel. When you rolled your big brown eyes at me when someone wanted to pet you,I could just see you think "Do I have to?" Love you sweetheart.
Billie Joiner
Heather Nell Joiner 1991-2000 My sweet Heather who was the first of my Scotties who loved everyone and thought she was the one they had come to see. She was the only Scottie to be bred and for that I am grateful, for she gave me my Skye who will forever be a reminder< of her mother. Also my only Scottie I had to help cross the bridge as she was in such pain and I could not bear it for her. But I did it for you with love. You will always be missed my "heart".
Billie Joiner
Taffy Cocker Spaniel RB, age 14 You came into my life and saw me through so many ups and downs, but was always there for me when I came home from school. You are still so missed even by my two nephews who still haven't forgiven me for not getting another "Taffy". I know you have been at the bridge to welcome my Scotties including Cindy and Angel who you helped "trained".
Billie Joiner

 Would He? RB November 11, 2002 I took this picture of Would He? the day I
rescued him (1994). He is clearly having the last
laugh. Jane Morley

Ian Wallace scottie Phoebe Marie McCormick

Dallas Great Pyrenees Phoebe Marie McCormick

Amazing Grace scottie Phoebe Marie McCormick

Jessie scottie Phoebe Marie McCormick

Mac scottie Phoebe Marie McCormick

Bobby scottie Phoebe Marie McCormick

Cheddar hamster Phoebe Marie McCormick

Mac scottie Karen Timm

Megan scottie Karen Timm

Duffy scottie Karen Timm

Andy poodle Karen Timm

Ralphie shis tzu Karen Timm

Rusty shih tzu Karen Timm

 Wee Scot Michelle 11/23/91 - 9/5/99 Michelle spent 8 short years with us & imprinted
the love of Scotties so deep in our hearts we can no longer imagine life
without a Scot. Pat Ozburn

 Kelsea Mackenzie wheaten cairn terrier 7/17/88 - 1/26/00 For 12 1/2 years she shared my joys and dried my tears. Any one who doubts animals have souls should have known my Mackenzie Pat Ozburn

Katie-DID MacTavish 7/11/91 - 5/9/02 Kathleen & Rainbow Scottish Terrier Rescue

Tootsie scottie 5/5/91 - 8/27/02 She was my first, my baby girl.. and I miss her very much. Nadine Hahne

Gracie My first scottie Beth Sheets

Addy C@T Beth Sheets

Katie Terrier/poodle mix Beth Sheets

Tucker My first scottie Crossed the bridge days before his second birthday. He was the
love of my life and my bestest friend. Christine

McTavish My rescue scottie we actually got through Cheri
Biggs. We were living in Cheyenne at the time and he was in Rochester N.Y..
We flew him into Denver and drove 100 miles to pick him up. He barked most
of the way home and my daughter fed him french fires... it was his favorite
food and was his last meal.
He was 10 when we got him and 12 when he crossed the Bridge He spent 2 much too short years with
me. Christine

 Heather 7/89 - 3/02 You are missed so very much David & Ingrid

If you would like your wee angel added to the
BayouScotties Memorial Pages, please CONTACT me. I would be happy to add them.

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Last Updated 1-9-13

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