Natalie McDougal 11/9/88 - 1/24/01 Pre-eminent C.P.A. (Canine Princess of America) Dog of your mom's heart, girl of great dignity, and lap girl of nearly
everyone she'd meet...
Forever our angel, Momdog Anne & family

Livingston Shoestring MacTavish 4/16/90-12/24/99 Expert Squirrel Aerobics Instructor goofy guy, and 4-footed beach boy Forever our angel, Loved and cherished by Momdog Anne & family

Chivas Finn and Karen Mathisen

Nessie Finn and Karen Mathisen

Misty,Sadie,Schatzee,Shotgun Dawn Roffey
Fantasia Misty Dawn "Misty" 7/3/84-12/28/94 My first Scottie and the beginning of the
addiction. "Moosie-butt" was everyone's favorite and queen of the house Dawn Roffey

Fantasia Shady Lady Sadie "Sadie" 2/25/86-6/13/99 Misty's only pup, my shadow, my soul mate, and dictator of the household!
Dawn Roffey

Martha Victoria the Duece "Mattie" 5/3/87-5/28/99 Baby-face!
Dawn Roffey

CH.Fantasia Prancer Dancer "Schatzee" 5/3/87-9/3/99 "Miss Thing" just loved to prance in the show ring and all the rest of the time, too! Dawn Roffey

Ch. Fantasia Junior Walker "Shotgun" 5/3/87-6/7/98 Absolutely large and in charge in the showring, but full of kisses for me always! Dawn Roffey

Fantasia Guns n Roses "Green Bean" 9/1/88-6/4/02 My bouncing Beanie-Baby! Dawn Roffey

Fantasia Samantha Dawn "Samantha" 10/19/83-4/20/96 Westie My best friend, who loved the world. Rooooo! Dawn Roffey

Cayla Siberian Husky April 1989-November 2002 She came to live with us at 5 weeks old. We know she's happily chewing all the lawn ducks she
wants over the bridge.She wasn't a 'wee' one, but we loved her, shedding fur and all. I can't
wait to meet her again. She was the heart of our lives. Karen

Oliphint's Big Bonnie "B.B." 1/1/1990 - 12/15/2001
My Dear Sweet B.B.,
Last summer, when we made our annual trip to South Dakota, the camp
ground was so different with out you there. Everyone was saddened when
they heard of your passing to the Bridge. Although I know you wouldn't
have liked the storm that basically tore apart the campground while we
were in town one night you would have liked spending that night in an
air conditioned cabin, instead of our tent, while our belongings dried
After the week there in Pierre was over we drove across to Wall, South
Dakota, and went to Wall Drug and had a drink of their free ice water
and made a toast to you as we all remembered how much you liked it
there. We even stood and watched the T-Rex roar to life and remembered
how when you saw it you just stiffened your legs and arroood at him as
if to say " I'm not afraid of you."
Our friends Allen and Karen weren't able to go with us this year and
Allen has since joined his Dog Blackjack at the bridge as you know. I'm
sure you were there to welcome him and make him feel at home as I know
Cousin Gene and His Sam welcomed you..
I know you understood what was happening last year when Dad and I took
you to the Vet's to help you over the Bridge, The look you gave me at
the office told me so.
You let me know it was ok and that you'd be feeling better soon. But
Sweetie it hurt me so much to have to say goodbye for just awhile, as
that is what it will be the way you see time pass where you are.
I know that you and Bobbie, Chewie, Missie, and the first Bear knew
how much I was hurting even though I still had Bucky, Bear, and Dakota,
and that you helped me find the our new little scottie, Barney, who
needed a good loving home as much as I needed him.
I know all of you are watching and you've made so many new friends but
that you all will be waiting when it's our turn to join you.
We all miss you so much,
Mom, Dad, Kenny, Bucky , Bear and Dakota
Juanetta Powers

You were born on Valentines day...what a cute little girl you were. So full of life and always happy to meet new people and dogs. You came home to us as a birthday present for dad and he loved you dearly. You were his girl. How he adored you...but I am sure that you knew that. We all adored you Mandy.
You were the one dog that didn't get into alot of trouble. You loved to go to the lake and run down the shore with the wind blowing your coat. Sometimes I think you had a conversation with Sara to see who could run faster, even though you knew Sara would always beat you. You had a heart that would not give up though and you ran as fast as you could. Your beautiful coat flowing in the wind. What an awesome sight you were.
Then the arthritis hit your back legs and your running days came to an end. It became more difficult for you to even lay down, much less get up. But still you never stopped trying. I saw for myself how much courage a Collie has and such pride. When you started to fall down and started having seizures we knew the time was coming. We just didn't know how fast it was going to get here.
Mandy I miss you and so does everyone else. You were our first Collie, you were our big Mandy Dandy...I know you are at peace big girl, and I know you are running in the wind up there at the Rainbow bridge with all the other dogs. What I would not give to see you run again girl and to hold your big sweet head against my chest like I did so many times.
Run with the Wind Mandy....we will be together again someday!!!

I was on cloud nine the day I bought you Fergie. The little black Miniature Schnauzer with the odd black spot on her tongue. What a day that was. I was so proud of you, you were the apple of my eye. We went everywhere together, I even took you to work with me. How you loved popcorn and cheese. My Fergie!!!
We had a great life together didn't we girl. You were a brave girl, nothing was too big for you to take on. Remember when you took on Trina when no other dog would do such a thing. But you were Fergie, Queen of the house. You took your job of guard dog seriously didn't you girl. From guarding the house to the car. You took your job as guarding the car to an extreme though that one day when you scared that poor lady and she fell down. But that didn't bother you...she was too close to mom's car and you were telling her so. You were a mischief maker from the first day I brought you home. No catalog could be left in your reach. It didn't matter how big or small those catalogs were, you tore them apart. Especially the Figi's catalogs. I think you thought they said Fergie's catalog and you destroyed them. The day you ripped up the big Sears catalog to shreds is one day I will never forget. There was not a page of that catalog left and you did this in 10 minutes time.
You were such a healthy girl. Never once were you sick. But then you got that dreaded congestive heart failure. I knew the time was coming that I was going to have to let you go. But you were not going to give up without a fight. You had too much work to do. You had to try to show Laci the ropes of guarding the house and car. What a great job you did in training her. I am sure you are proud of her. When you started to loose weight and got to the point where you could not walk easily I knew I had to make a decision.
Fergie, I never wanted to see you in pain, but yet I was not ready to let you go. Then that fateful Monday morning you seemed to be telling me that the time had come. So with a very heavy heart I made the hardest decision of my life. I called and made an appointment to end your pain and suffering. I held you in my lap all the way to the vet's office, telling you how much I loved you and how sorry I was to be doing this to you. You just laid there in my lap and slept. Then the time came but I made sure first that I was making the right decision, I know Dr. Dave would never have put you to sleep if there was something that he could have done to heal you. I held you close to me, crying and shaking as you took your final breath in my arms.
Fergie I miss you so much, and the day that you crossed to the Rainbow Bridge you took a big part of my heart with you. I asked you to help me heal and I do believe that is why I found Maggie. Fergie, if you were here I know you would love Maggie. She is alot like you. Although she is not as much of a talker as you were, she is still alot like you.
Fergie, I miss you and think of you everyday. I wish I could hold you again and cuddle you like we used to. I wish I could hear that bark again and I wish I could have one of our conversations. I know you are with the other girls and I know Mandy is there with you now. You are in good Company Fergie. We will be together again and when that day comes there will be nothing that will come between us.

If you would like your wee angel added to the
BayouScotties Memorial Pages, please CONTACT me. I would be happy to add them.

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