This page is dedicated to all of the furbabies
who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2014.
Here, we honor those newest angels in that meadow across the Bridge.
All angels are welcome here, for they were well-loved.
identifies a newly listed fur ANGEL...
Scottish Terrier
August 3, 2003 - January 13, 2014
Yvonne C. Maddocks
Pendragon's Knight At Oban
Scottish Terrier
2001 - January 17, 2014
"Next month, it will be 12 years since I flew to California to pick up
a spunky boy that we named Cailean, a good strong Gaelic name. I put
all his American and Canadian points on him in about two years and he
became known as American Canadian Champion Pendragon's Knight At Oban.
Two weeks ago, he went to work with me to have a dental, which never
happened. When his pre-anesthetic bloodwork was run, we found out he
was going into acute kidney failure. We'd had no signs at all. Three
days later, he went downhill fast. I took him in, ran more bloodwork
and put him on IV fluids. For that week, he stayed on fluids, coming
home with me at night, back to work each day. Last Saturday it became
obvious that the fluids weren't doing what we had hoped. We took him
off fluids on Sunday. Today, he said he was ready for his final
journey. I took today off and Danny left work after lunch. With me
holding him and Danny giving him kisses, we let him go and whispered
to him to go find The Snoops (Bonny & Nadine)."
"Farewell my little man."
Julie Hill
Oban Scottish Terriers
Scottish Terrier
RB January 17, 2014
Jo Fleming
Scottish Terrier
April 19, 2005 - January 19, 2014
"Terra woke up her usual happy self, ate her breakfast, went for her walk in the afternoon.
A few hours later, she was critical. A tumor had burst inside and she was bleeding out quickly.
There was no warning. We are in shock."
Kim & Mark Magnuson
Scottish Terrier
05/25/2000 - 01/21/2014
Susan Stoff
GCH Deblins Beameups
Sweet Talkin Melody
Scottish Terrier
RB 1-22-2014
"My Best friend had to leave me yesterday. I don't know why but G_D wanted her to help
chase mice in his own fields.I will cherish every moment every hug every kiss and thank you Debra
for the gift of Melody GCH Deblins Beameups Sweet Talkin Melody and her little milk chin. She
loved life everyone was her friend.Person and dogs alike she was the one to welcome you into
the home.She snuggled and loved to keep my feet clean.We hugged every morning .She would lay her
head on my shoulder and press hard not to let me go.She blessed me with 5 puppies who are the
joys to others lives and little Miranda is still with me to Cherish.... Please remember her as the happy
naughty puppy who loved to show and be your friend."
Dorene Cross
Scottish Terrier
12-21-2001 - 1-24-2014
"...we had to say goodbye to our beloved rescue mama, Cate."
Elizabeth King
Scottish Terrier
RB 1-28-2014
" My stellar little lady with the super soft cotton candy coat.
Light cream undercoat with sun ripened peach color tips. A super lovely girl with
the backing to be a strong bloodline. American, Canadian, Japanese CH. Momma to 21
puppies in 3 litters during her life. I couldn't have asked for a better mother hen,
even to other litters that were not hers. She was completely dedicated to me in every
way and always walked at my side even without a lead...."
" Rest in peace my little angel until we are together again,
you will always be in my heart!"
Jeannine McKinney
Percheron mare
RB 2-27-2014
Kristi and Craig
CH Odyssey's Into the Labyrinth
Scottish Terrier
2002 - February 27, 2014
" A character from the beginning to the end. He leaves behind many beautiful kids,
grandkids, and great grandkids. He left his world swiftly after being ill for only a few hours;
thank you to Dr Kelly Hoyt and Elyse Eshnaur Noland for fabulous care--and caring--on his best
days, and on his final day, where he went comfortably and with dignity."
Amy Cada
Odyssey Scots
Specialscots Light My Fire
Scottish Terrier
11/27/04 to 3/2/14
" Blaze was one special Scottie. She had such a strong personality. She knew
exactly when it was time to eat and always let me know. It has always amazed me how she
had this built in clock. There are so many things I loved about her. I will miss her do much!!"
Stephanie Gillis
From Linda Tubbs Bell, Blaze's breeder:
"Loved by the Gillis Family...esp Momma Stephanie
Garrard Gillis Prayers for all of them, and me, too...one of my babies...My heart is breaking too!
I just thank God that Blaze had a loving, caring mom like Stephanie...wish ALL dogs had moms like her!!!
We ALL loved Miss Blaze..."
Scottish Terrier
RB 3-18-14
Cooper has earned his angel wings after a valiant fight against
lymphoma. He has always been a sweet and silly wheatie boy who is
already missed more than I can say. Fly free and be well my Cooper man!
We are heartbroken..."
Robin Fones
Scottish Terrier
RB 3-24-14
"Bridgie was much like her dear mama Nettie, who died a year ago today. They were both an irresistible combination
of sweet and sassy, with Bridget leaning toward sweetness. Both were endlessly entertaining, and we were so lucky to have
them in our lives."
"Bridget used her big front paws to emphasize her demands for treats.
First she'd make eye contact and send her clear message; if that didn't
work she'd wave her right paw -- "wake up, Mom!" I'll admit to often ignoring
the eye message because the paw waving was so darned cute. She was happy all the time, and her
absence just doesn't seem possible."
Marilee Clark
"Miss Ginnger Kitty"
RB 3-29-14
"Djinny (Miss Ginnger Kitty) crossed over today. Djinny was 16? years old.
She came to us back in 2000 found in the middle of the road on a cold winter night,
while I was driving home from work. she came right to me and jumped into my car when
I called to her. It was hard to tell her age because she was severely abused. We guessed
about 3 years old. For a long time she carried her head at an odd 45 degree angle, one
eye pointed toward the ceiling and the other toward the floor, with a blown pupil. the
veterinarian said she was brain damaged, most likely from being severely beaten. It was
suggested it might be better to put her down. She was such a lovely, friendly and happy
girl, we decided to give her some time and see how she did. Eventually her head turned
to a proper angle and her eyes turned in the same direction, she put on some weight and
her coat got thicker and shiny. She still had a few neurological problems, she always
pulled her own hair out in clumps, we called her the bearded kitty because she had tufts
of hair sticking out of her mouth, looking like a long beard. We called her the cat whisperer
because her voice was so soft when she first came that it sounded like the softest whisper.
She found her voice as she recovered from her ordeal.
She was the friendliest, most loving and happy cat. Always purring and affectionate. A true
kitty ambassador. If anyone came to visit they would have to kick Djinny off their lap.
Surprising considering her abused and tortured past. She was an expert frog hunter, often
coming in covered in duck weed with the legs of her quarry hanging out of her mouth.
She started failing about a year ago, started losing weight, going into organ failure. She
still ate, purred, groomed herself and sought out lap time. A few days ago she stopped eating,
she was still drinking, but her appetite just left her. She still purred and sought a warm lap
until the day she decided it was time to go. Then she went to lay in the big soft round dog bed
and quietly left this world.
Goodbye sweet girl, we love you."
Morgana Meverden
Scottish Terrier
RB April 9, 2014
"Our hearts are crushed..."
GG Havens
Scottish Terrier
March, 2002 - April, 2014
"From the day that we picked him up from Val Bruce who had rescued him at 12 weeks of age,
until that last day two weeks ago, Stewart was my constant companion. He didn't like to be confined
or left alone, and if I was sitting still or even working in the kitchen or playing the piano,
Stewart could be found sitting on my feet. He rarely met a toy he couldn't kill, or a critter he
couldn't unearth (even the neighbors don't have moles anymore), he sang lustily with the coyotes or
the ice cream truck with lips pointed at the sky, and was our faithful friend.
I miss him terribly."
Pam Almandinger
Scottish Terrier
RB April, 2014
"Boo! gave me that look last week and as much as it hurt I sent her on. Even though she spent much
of her last year laying in a spot of sun on the deck or tucked in a corner of a quiet room the hole and
silence she's left here is huge and deafening.
We aren't alone, Jolene and Annie are still underfoot, loud and rowdy, but the quiet presence that was
Boo! is gone. And yet, there's still the love, the smile, the soft warm feeling that was Boo! in our hearts.
Thank you, God, for sharing her with us."
Joy and Carl
Bonnie Buttons
Scottish Terrier
Gotcha Day July 17, 2010 -
Rainbow Bridge April 18, 2014
"She always had to make sure the garden was in top shape and nothing was hiding
in the crops after they were up and ready to provide fresh vegetables for her and her family."
Larry Westberry
Birman Cat
RB May, 2014 -- age 15
Naomi Reyner
Ch Destiny's Diva of Glendarra
Scottish Terrier
09-14-2003 --- 05-08-2014
"She was the keeper of the coffee table (her throne) and the Diva of the house. She who must be obeyed
stole our hearts just like she stole the toys when she was a puppy and hid them under the coffee table. The
uncontested Alpha of our home is now bossing Pepper and Jude again at the rainbow bridge. We will miss her shrill
barks as she used to run around house chasing some offender (real or imagined).
This girl was a trooper who battled bladder cancer and a brain tumor with dignity and grace. She endured trips to
Purdue and all the poking and prodding plus chemo drugs that messed her system up. Her last few months were happy and
peaceful. This morning she would not eat or drink and even the Tramadol and sub q fluids would not ease the pain. She
told us it was time. So she again chose her own destiny as she chose us 10 3/4 years ago---jumped in our arms and would
not let us leave her.
RIP my angel--play with Pepper and Jude at the bridge...."
Rose & Jack Shacklett
Glendarra Scottish Terriers
Scottish Terrier
RB 05-10-2014
"Love him forever........"
Terry & Ron Beach
Scottish Terrier
RB 05-12-2014
"...she was well loved and spoiled rotten .... I kissed on
the head good- by and told her I loved her.
I miss her already..........."
Sue Placer
Somewhere N Time
Scottish Terrier
5/22/03 - 5/16/14
Bred by Linda Tubbs Bell
Adored by Susan and Ron Jackson
Miss Beazley
Scottish Terrier
2004 - May 17,2014
"“This weekend our beloved dog, Miss Beazley, was put to rest after a battle with lymphoma.
She was a source of joy during our time in Washington and in Dallas. She was a close companion to her
blood relative, Barney. And even though he received all the attention, Beazley never held a grudge
against him. She was a guardian to our cats, Bob and Bernadette, who -- like Laura and I -- will miss her.”
George & Laura Bush
Sparhawk Palomino Princess
Scottish Terrier
29th March 2001 - 20th May 2014
"It is with sadness that another Sparhawk Scottie crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
Sparhawk Palomino Princess, known to her family as Poppy, was gently helped across the
bridge today by her loving Mama Maggie Crisfield, who is utterly, utterly devastated.
Poppy was 13 years and 2 months, the ‘daughter’ of my much missed Kelpie. Poppy will be
welcomed by her waiting family across that bridge. Run free little Poppy, you were much
loved and you will be very much missed by your loving family and also your many friends.
Rest in Peace, Poppy."
Maggie Crisfield
Scottish Terrier
RB May 22, 2014
Susan Friend
Scottish Terrier
April 4, 2002 - May 27, 2014
"Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet prince; And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."
Elizabeth & JW King
German Shepherd
12-1-2000 - 6-2-2014
"In memory of Bindi, my beloved German Shepherd. She brought 14 years of
joy to my life. She was so loving, faithful, loyal and so protective of
her family. We will miss you so much Bindi....but you will always be in
our hearts....and who knows for sure...I just may see you in Heaven!"
Paula Harris
Scottish Terrier
RB 6-16-14
"When we met 11 years ago "We literally knew each other.. It was a reunion I still don't quite understand.
We were by each others sides constantly .. We had our "rituals"..
Every night when it was bed time, she would cuddle next to me and put
her precious paws on on arm and look deep into my soul and kiss me...
For an hour at least. She had to be touching me whether it was paw in my arm or
rump against my side. I saw "heaven" when I looked I to her eyes " I never saw such loving eyes on any fur baby ...
Ever I not only saw her Love, I felt it deeply.. She never met a person she did not like.. She literally saved my
life when I lost my beloved mom in 2008. Literally Then did it again when I lost Mickie Meghan ( her adopted daughter ) in 2009.
I moved to No. CA (which I HATE) for her.. She "Loves me" as I "Love her" with all my heart and soul. Now my world is
empty... No longer in color it's black and white. I don't smile, can't eat... Cannot sleep without her right above my head touching me.
I see her... (No I'm not crazy yet) . I see her clearly with her
beautiful soulful eyes behind what looks like a plate of glass .. Trying
to get to me... Since she was a pup of 2lbs 2oz all the vets said
she has a strong heart. They had no idea how strong and loving it "is".
I love you my darling Bowser, with every fiber of my being."
Lisa Depa-Quarry
Sir Riley Rambunctious
Scottish Terrier
1-19-2000 - 6-19-2014
"My beloved 'Handsome Hunk', my shadow, a total Mama's boy... Riley was always beside me,
always watching, always curious, always displaying his superbly dignified demeanor.
He LOVED to 'sing', was a glorious ARROOOO'er.... Kenny G, or any operatic soprano would induce him to break into 'song'!
( Katie never "UNDERSTOOD" his singing! She always thought him 'cracked' !!)
He ADORED 'fig season', especially the REALLY sweet ones on the ground!
He was raised by Katie Wild Child, and they were inseparable. He was
so laid back, he allowed her to rule, as long as it didn't interfere with MEALTIME! He ADORED frapping with
the WC, ALWAYS running in front...ALWAYS!
He saw no use for balls, but was a HUGE fan of 'tug toys'. But, whatever toy the WC had, he ALWAYS decided he
MUST have it... which started most of the
frap sessions!
My distinguished Scotsman was SOOO patient and tolerant with Evangeline, often being TOO lenient with
the wild pup. Vangie was hugely respectful
of him... she followed his example in many ways... he was a superb role model.
I am so very blessed to have shared 14.5 years of
life adventures with my sweet Boy...
each day was a treasure, a gift...
Riley was the epitome of a truly distinguished Scotsman...
the lad owns my heart..."
Carol Johnson
Scottish Terrier
2-15-2003 - 6-21-2014
"Dillon was everything I didn't want in a Scottie. When I called the breeder, I asked for a black male. Nope, the only
available male was a red brindle. I didn't like red brindles (they are my favorites, now). I wanted a smaller Scottie... He was
the largest of the litter, weighing in at 7 1/2 ounces. Then, she threw in that his tail had not only one crook, but TWO. I love
straight Scottie tails. So, I wasn't really interested, but I asked the breeder to email me a picture. I fell instantly in love.
I sat at my computer with tears streaming from my eyes (much like now) and knew that he was mine. He came home with me a couple
weeks later.
He was always a little terror, and he had strong opinions on how his humans should live. We came up with the term "Dillon Approved
Activity", and most things were not approved. Needlework, sewing, the computer... NOT Dillon Approved. Laying down on the couch with
him, playing (especially with water), and anything that ended with him getting food or treats WAS Dillon approved. That little brat
could get treats from anyone, even complete strangers.
Dillon was an amazing boy. The strongest bond I have ever had. Every day with him was a joy and a gift.
I will forever miss my perfect little angel."
Laura McDonald
Scottish Terrier
RB 6-23-2014
" She was such a good Scottie girl...always happy and very playful. She loved chasing chipmunks,
catching balls, belly rubs, and watching TV. We loved her so. Emma had 9 good months before the lymphoma
returned. Dr. Tom Nelson and Animal Medical Center provided the best care possible. She crossed the bridge
peacefully; we are grateful for that. Thank you for your prayers."
Sharon Carrozza
West Highland White Terrier
4-1-2002 - 6-24-2014
"With great sadness we today bade farewell to our Westie boyo, who had battled lung cancer with spirit and
grit and great sweetness.
Tucker came to us in November 2007 through Michigan Westie Rescue, and settled in remarkably well. He deftly
navigated the pack relationship,
always willing to join in, and just as willing to sit back and let the Scottie boys figure it out.
On his first night here, however, he made his best housefriend. Tom had come home from work, and was sitting in
his recliner reading the newspaper.
Tucker approached the footrest, peering up eyes only. Tom looked down and asked, "You want to come up, Buddy?"
Tucker jumped up, turned one circle,
and snuggled down between his legs. It became his most favorite spot in the house, even moreso than "The Rightful
Westie Spot" established by his
Westie predecessor, Max.
We will miss his prancing walk; the way he sat up for every treat he received; the way he batted his paws like a
cat when he played; his sweet kisses;
and even his role as Tummy Troll, wherein he would lay directly in your path, demanding belly scritches before
you passed.
It appeared the cancer had spread to his spine, as he had begun dragging his right foot behind him, and rendering
him nearly motionless. Still, he ate
and drank and demanded to go outside, even at the vet's office as we waited to say our final goodbyes. His pain
seemed controlled, but he struggled mightily.
We will miss him always. We will have other Westies. They won't be him. He is free of pain and restraint, romping
I'm sure with so many other Cyberscots,
as well as our beloved MacGregor, Alistair and Max. And sooner than we can imagine, when we come to The Bridge,
I pray we'll see him again.
If he's at the gate, he likely will roll over, and refuse me entrance until I scritch his belly."
Tracy and Tom Knaub
Scottish Terrier
RB 7-1-2014
"Many of you will remember Marilyn Blasche (my beloved
wife), who died six years ago. Her favorite two living Scotties were Molly and
Katie. Molly died four years ago and Katie died in my arms today. She was loved
dearly and was such a comfort to me when Marilyn died. I miss her so much
"Katie was so excited when she found Marilyn at the
Rainbow Bridge. I know they greeted each other with many hugs and kisses. She
is so happy and can't wait for Marilyn to throw her ball again. Oh, what joy
and happiness."
Marilyn(RB) & Donald Blasche
Katie Scarlet
Scottish Terrier
RB 7-18-2014
Mary Tickner
RB 7-20-2014
"Ramses passed away today, at the age of 14. I can't tell you how much we will miss him.
Our hearts are broken....I have told him that Prannoch and the others would wait for him to welcome him at the RB...."
Anne Lorgeoux
RB 8-2-14
"I'm sorry to say my wonderful friend and constant companion and daily alarm clock, Tucker, has crossed the
rainbow bridge. He stayed with me through the fear and tears and then joy and happiness of Knight's surgery. He was
as happy to greet the Big Knight home again as I was. But a day after, he was so weak and it was so hard to keep up
with life, it was time. I cried as I watched him, but know it was the right choice.
He came to me from Scottie Rescue about 13 years ago and was a difficult child, but we soon became friends even
though he wasn't a Scottie. During my chemo treatments and then radiation, he became obsessed with being by my side
constantly. There was no going in the kitchen for the night with the Scottie's. It became too much of a fight -- he
actually chewed the leg of a chair breaking through a barricade to be with me -- every night, so I pulled in an
ottoman into my bedroom for him. Every morning he'd stand on it staring at me until I opened my eyes. Then it was
all over. Time to get up, barking and huffing and puffing and kissing. I will always miss that face waiting & watching
my eyes to see if he could start our ritual.
I requested a strong tranquilizer for him to make him sleep prior to the final injection. The vet said it would take
30 minutes or so longer. So what. He got the tranquilizer, and we stayed in a chair together for what seemed to be a
short time. His breathing slowed and the rasping stopped and he finally relaxed in my arms. Then in the other room
after the injection, I was holding his face until the end, telling him how much I loved him and what a good dog he was.
I am relieved his pain is over and I will always be so grateful for his comfort through mine.
I'll see you later, Mr. Tucker, with the rest of the gang."
Kathleen Kendall
GCH Roundtown Mercedes of Maryscot
Scottish Terrier
4-2-2005 – 8-13-2014
"She was the dog world’s first triple Crown Winner winning BIS Westminster 2010, BIS Montgomery 2009,
BIS AKC/Eukanuba 2009 and BIS National Dog Show 2009. She was all a Scottie should be."
Amelia Musser, Mary O’Neal, Cindy Cook,
Gabriel & Ivonne Rangel
RB August 19, 2014
over 16 yrs old
"It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Jazzpurr.
It seems like only a short while ago that I was attempting to take the dogs (then Yorkies and Maltese) out for their last outing of
the night, only to discover a tiny Tuxedo kitten on top of the freezer on the porch. actually, it was over 16 years ago. We have no
idea how he got up on the freezer, he had such a bad ear infection he could not jump up on anything. For over a month he got on the
couch by clawing and crawling his way up.
This is how we explain his sudden and seemingly miraculous appearance. There is a helpless, sick and frightened kitten wandering on
the road somewhere. A car comes over the horizon, the headlights hit him and just before the inevitable the Kitty gods intervene and
*blink* the kitten disappears, then *blink* again kitten reappears on our freezer just as I open the door, Jazzpurr is home!
Named Jazzpurr because he had the loudest most melodic purr that you could hear from across the room. He was always a timid unassuming
character. rarely complaining. Even when his congested old heart was failing he still always purred although now softly, and never gave
complaint and still appreciated his treats and cuddles, although he always preferred keeping his own company. When he had a series of
strokes and could no longer clean himself well and his old legs became unsteady causing him to sometimes stumble and soil himself, he
tolerated his baths without struggle and never held it against me. The purr would start again as I massaged him with the towel.
Jazzpurr left us quietly. He went to the door to go outside, he liked to lie in the shady place in the grass behind my car. When I went
out to bring him back in, the body was there but his spirit had left us. He now lays in a shady place at the foot of the hill with so
many of our beloved ones."
Morgana Meverden
Keipats Blackpearl
Scottish Terrier
10/3/2004 -- 8/20/2014
"This is "KAT". She passed last night...10/3/2004 -8/20/2014....She was just a dog, no one famous....
Just a kennel dog..The mother of 1 Grand Champion...But, we lived together for 10 years and she will be missed here.
I write this with tears befitting the loss of one more "GOOD" Scottie.
Pat Baker
Keipat Scottish Terriers
Scottish Terrier
12/25/2004 - 08/26/2012
"Connor (L) with little sister,Tess. The two of the were always together, facing the world. I'm sure she's lonely now.
Connor was a very happy dog at all times. He loved to romp and play in
the back yard, to chase Tess in & out of the house, to travel in
any style possible, and to see the world on walks throughout the region.
He got along well with other dogs, and he absolutely adored Brandon and Jess."
Perry Lynch
Scottish Terrier
RB November, 2014 - age unknown
Naomi Reyner
Sherlock Holmes
Scottish Terrier
1-18-2000 - 11-10-2014
Cile & John Tice
Scottish Terrier
RB 11-18-14
Michelle Hale
Scottish Terrier
5/12/02 - 11-21-14
Therese Bohn
Ziggy Stardust
RB 12-21-14
Morgana Meverden
Updated 3-23-15
If you would like your wee angel added to the
BayouScotties Memorial Pages, please CONTACT
me. I would be happy to add them.

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